The cigar-maker’s house. Photograph taken at the end of the 19th century
This building used to be both house and shop for the cigar-maker, Jacob Feindt, and was originally built in 1900 by the shop-keeper Hinrich Gründahl, whose business was opposite.
Between the World Wars, in 1929, he had the house re-built. Instead of a mansard roof, the new one was hipped, and the front – towards the road – was fitted with shop windows. Following World War II the building assumed its present shape as an exhibition pavilion and was used for this purpose by the Gründahl shop for many years. When demolition threatened, the building was passed to the council in 2008.
In 2012 the road was considered too narrow, so the façade was turned into an arcade, which is still used as a pavement today. Since restoration work was completed in 2013, the cigar-maker’s house has been rented out by the Jork Council for events and exhibitions.